Deciding to move from Saskatoon to Lloydminster almost two years ago was one of the hardest things we have done as a family. We really had no intention of leaving until an opportunity presented itself. We prayed about it a lot and door after door kept opening for us. We really felt like God was telling us this is what we were supposed to do. It was hard on all of us to leave our jobs, schools, church and friends behind.
One of the first things we did after moving was find a church. We felt an immediate connection to FBC here and have been going there ever since. We are all growing in our faith here, but the blossoming of the girls has been amazing. They all love to go to church. I started teaching Sunday School during the first service of the morning this year, so Biggest comes with me for that and then attends the second service with Julie and me. I'm pretty sure I didn't pay that much attention when I was ten, and I'm definitely sure I never took notes during sermons. But she has a journal that she brings every week and diligently listens and takes notes. It is pretty amazing.
About a month ago, Biggest came to us with some questions about baptism. She talked with Julie and then with me and we found places in the Bible where it talked about it. Then she decided that she would like to be baptized. My initial thought was that she was too young, but listening to her talk, we knew she was ready. We asked our pastors, she took a baptism class and she was ready to go.
Julie's parents, my mom, my brother and his family as well as Biggest's best friend from school were all there to celebrate the occasion. Then, just before the service started, two couples from Saskatoon showed up to surprise us. It was pretty awesome.
While waiting to go in, Biggest told Julie that she couldn't stop smiling:
Talking with Pastor Ryan and still all smiles:
Getting ready:
Taking the plunge:
Still smiling:
A big hug:
There are still plenty of days we all miss Saskatoon. But then there are days like this when you know you are exactly where you are supposed to be. The theme for Sunday School this month is contentment: learning to be happy no matter what you have. Today's lesson was about focussing on what God has given you today. If we spend too much time looking back at what we used to have and how things were, we will miss what God has given us now. And I don't want to miss the gifts He's giving us now, because He is doing some pretty amazing things.
And there was cake too, which is always a reason to be thankful:
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